Um die Kommentare aus einer PHP-Datei zu entfernen werden die beiden PHP-Konstanten  T_COMMENT und T_DOC_COMMENT verwendet die Funktion token_get_all() um den Dateiinhalt aufzusplitten.
Dann wird verglichen ob der Inhalt ein Kommentar ist.

* Php-Script umd Kommentare, Leezeichen und Leerzeilen zu entfernen
* Stand 17.11.2020
* Version 1.3
define('NL',  "\n");
define('TB',  "\t");
define('WS',  ' ');

*** Functions ***

function removePhpComments($str){  

  $commentTokens = [
  $str = str_replace("\r", '', $str);
  $tokens = token_get_all($str);
  $s = '';
  foreach ($tokens as $token) {
    if (is_array($token)) {
      if (in_array($token[0], $commentTokens)) {
        if (substr($token[1], -1) == NL) $s .= NL; # keep \n from comment with \n at end of comment string
      $token = $token[1];
    $s .= $token;
  return $s;

function removeEmptyLines($str, $max = false) {

  # delete whitespace at end of line  
  do {
    $str = str_replace(WS . NL, NL, $str);
  } while (strpos($str, WS . NL) > 0);
  # delete tab at end of line
  do {
    $str = str_replace(TB . NL, NL, $str); 
  } while (strpos($str, TB . NL) > 0);
  if ($max === true) {      
    $find = NL . NL;
    $replace = NL;
  } else {
    $find = NL . NL . NL;
    $replace = NL . NL;

  do {
    $str = str_replace($find, $replace, $str);
  } while (strpos($str, $find) > 0);
  return $str;

# Should be run at last
function removeSpaces ($str) {

  # delete double spaces
  do {
    $str = str_replace(WS . WS, WS, $str); 
  } while (strpos($str, WS . WS) > 0);
  # deletespaces at start of line
  do {
    $str = str_replace(NL . WS, NL, $str); 
  } while (strpos($str, NL . WS) > 0);

# delete tab at start of line do { $str = str_replace(NL . TB, NL, $str); } while (strpos($str, NL . TB) > 0); return $str; } function cleanfile($file) { if (substr($file, -4) == '.php') { $str = file_get_contents($file); $str = removePhpComments($str); $str = removeEmptyLines($str); #$str = removeSpaces($str); if ($GLOBALS['keep_org'] === true) { $file = str_replace('.php', '.comment_free.php', $file); } file_put_contents($file, $str); } } /*********************************************************************** *** Einstellungen *** ***********************************************************************/ # File or Folder to cleanup $file_folder_org = 'org.php'; # keep original file (stongly recommended set to true) $keep_org = true; /*********************************************************************** *** Programm *** ***********************************************************************/ if (file_exists($file_folder_org)) { if (is_dir($file_folder_org)) { $files = scandir($file_folder_org); foreach ($files as $key => $value) { cleanfile($value); } } else { cleanfile($file_folder_org); } } ?>